An interesting connection has been discovered between psoriasis, eczema, Hodgkin’s disease and lymphoid cancer. The connection is a type of white blood cell called a mast cell.

Another elevated protein found in psoriasis and many cancer sufferers is known as C-reactive protein. C-reactive proteins indicate general levels of inflammation in the body. Infections and many types of long term disease, including heart disease, also generate lots of C-reactive proteins.
Incomplete protein digestion may contribute to the cycle of irritants entering the bloodstream, which in-turn can set the stage for mast cell production, elevated CD30, C-reactive proteins and other inflammatory responses.
Some natural approaches to dealing with this vicious cycle is reducing processed foods and increasing digestive enzymes, vitamin D, vitamin A, zinc, Omega-3 fish oils, aloe vera, and glutathione precursors. Moderate amounts of sunshine are also advised.
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